
Choi Minki
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Get to know me:
The name's Minki but you can only call me that if I tell you it's okay, okay? I'm the youngest of the adopted sons of the king, yes I'm a vampire. I don't like violonce or fighting, and I hate the war between my kind and the werewolves. I'm a calm and kind kid and I love to make friends, werewolves included! Feel free to talk to me and don't be scared, I won't bite, I don't feed off human blood, only small animals. I hate being a vampire, therefore don't remind me... I hate being called a blood er, or a demon, or anything between those lines, I'm a good kid who only wants peace.

My brother Jaejoong was who found me and brought me to the king, I owe my life to him. I love my adoptive family since that's the only family I remember, I don't remember my past as a human but my father always says my real parents were killed by a werewolf, I can't hold a grudge since I don't even know if that's true. My birthday is said to be on November third, I'm sixteen years old in human years~ don't EVER ask my real age.. EVER!!

My hobbies are many, drawing, painting, writting music, singing, reading, sewing, cooking and baking. I eat human food, yes....

Gime me a chance and I will prove that not all vampires are cold hearted and souless *smiles cutely*


I love you:
Injun; my puppy... Everything you do tickles my heart. 




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