
lee jaehwan


"I'm happy just to be here with you. Even if you hate me and hit me, it's okay. i'll win you over eventually."

Age: 21

Personality Traits: Hyper, cheerful, goofy, friendly, kind-hearted

Expansion: Ken is hard to sum up in jus five words, and yet painfull easy and predictable. With his heart of gold, trusting nature, and sincerity in everything he does, Ken is someone that many people find easy to make friends with. He puts himself out there, puts his heart on the line, and trusts people perhaps a little too easily which makes him incredibly vulnerable and easy to hurt despite the fact that he smiles through his sadness. Ken is always full of energy and cheer, willing to embarrass himself a little in the name of fun. He loves making people laugh almost as much as he loves laughing and will do almost anything to make someone laugh. Ken is affectionately referred to as puppy-like, however, due to his incorrigible clinginess and his tendancy to pout ferociously when he doesn't get his way.

Interests: "E-eh... What? No, I'm here as a toy. I...what are you even asking me? Do you My hobbies? I like One Piece..."

Status: Hunter

Relationship Status: "I have a friend, but he refuses to refer to me as his friend. But Leo will come around."

Biography: Ken entered service as a demon hunter after his older sister was killed. He discovered she had been a regular attendee of the underworld activities. He hasn't been training for very long, which might be why he's actually really bad at this whole "seduce a demon and then kill it," thing. It's not going so well right now with the current demon.