
For young Luneth, growing up had been nothing but a pain. His first nine years were spent in an orphanage, his parents unknown and guilty of abandoning their new born in a dumpster. If it hadn’t been for a desperate homeless on a quest for leftovers, his story would’ve ended there. He didn’t learn of that particular detail until adolescence, but nonetheless the revelation hurt, no matter how much he told himself that he’d already given up his birth family.

The trauma he had experienced as an infant clung with him through his childhood, forcing the child to build wall after wall around himself, never able to truly trust another human being. Eventually, he just stopped spending time with the other kids in favour of staying inside, reading and drawing. As a side effect his skin became pale, almost looking sickly, which came to be a feature the other kids made fun of. His only friends were the books, and later on, the neighbour’s black Labrador. Every day after lunch Luneth would sneak away a piece of his food to the dog, earning slobber of gratitude all over his tiny hands and face. The relationship was symbiotic, in return for leftovers and tummy rubs the child gained a true friend. Plus the other kids left him alone after seeing him with the large canine.

Another side effect of the time spent reading was a sharpened mind, leading him into the next step in his life; getting adopted. A shrill voice, expensive designer dresses and handbags in all the colors of the rainbow pretty much summed up the middle aged woman that received custody of Luneth. Thus began his days of training to become the heir of a moderately successful company. He came to terms with his fate, finding a purpose to work towards, even though it was partly out of gratitude for his guardian. He never called her ‘Mother’ like she wanted, but actually made an effort not to alienate her. Their relationship could be called friends at best.

Now he arrives at Kokoro College thanks to his wealth, with the instructions to be a good boy and build connections for the future.


Additional info

Name: Luneth Kaufman

ual orientation: Biual

Clique: Average kids

I do both action and para, prod me if you want to plot.