Jung Daehyun
seventeen. Gay. single.
His Story

Daehyun hated his life, he had never wanted to live like this, he never wanted to be this way. But it wasn´t his choice, it as all because of them..those "elders" how they called themselves. Back then when he had still been a human he had been rather the nerd type, ignored by everyone and only getting love from the ones that were near him, so in his case, his parents. One night, he had just returned from school, he heard weird sounds from his parents bedroom. Walking inside his eyes widened in shock, his mother was lying on the ground, her skin white as if all life had been... out of her as she was lying there lifeless on the ground. Stumbling back he let his bag fall..and then he saw him..his father, the man who had always told him not to be dead in his own blood on the ground with two males hovering over his body, their teeth burried in his flesh. Crying out in fear and horror Daehyun let himself fall to the ground, unwillingly catching one of the dark creatures attention. his blood stained lips one of them got up and slowly walked over to the scared boy that was trembling on the ground, his eyes still lingering on his parents dead bodies. "Should I kill him as well?" "No.." the second vampire spoke up "Turn him" Daehyun could see the smirk on the others face, his mind still wasn´t progressing what was going on but he was so damn scared. Feeling the vampires teeth piercing through his skin he screamed in pain and that was the only thing that he remembered before waking up in an alley in a world full of vampires, he had no clue who were those guys who turned him into this, or why they did it instead of just kiling him, but he knew one thing.


He was alone and the only thing he could do for his family was, to survive.

About him




I´m going to steal your heart


name : name : name : name : name