Personal Message




   Tiffanny Hwang~
















+MESSAGE TO HIM:  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiatLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiaLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugia 


+Dem plots!

the besties; these are the ones that tiffany's known longer than she could ever remeber. these are the guys she had always been together and do everything together. {2 girl/guys}

the little/big brothers; this is one of the only boys she would one hundred percent love. she adores them and would do anything for them. but like all siblings they do tease each other and have petty arguments, they both have brother/sister- complex.. sometimes. {3 guys}

the sisters; tiffany would one hundred percent love these girls. she adores them and would do anything for them. but like all siblings they do tease each other and have petty 
arguments, they are like best  friends {3 girls}

the enemy.. who is also my fiance; anyting this person does will irratate tiffany to death. seriously, she would live without this one in her life. They've been in everything together, of course as rivals. If she could get rid of this one, she'd be happy to. Only if their families were not friends. {Wu Yifan}

the first love;  it may have been him or her, but somewhere a long the way things just didn't go well. first it was witnessing the guy cheating on her, and then it was her who got caught kissing another man. Tiffany regrets it, but it's too late now... {one guy}

that one handsome guy; tiffany loves this man with all her heart.  she loves everything he does, even if he is cold towards her, she will do her best to make this man fall in love with her. she would never betray him and will always be there when he needs someone by his side. there will be times when she gets hurt by his words, but she's blinded by love and will just smile if off. {lee Minho}

the follower puppy; this guy is always the one who will love tiffany no matter what. he will follow her around anywhere and shower her with his love. tiffany doesn't know if he is serious or not, but there are times when she is confused with her feelings towards him. {one guy}

childhood friends; the ones who were always in tiffany's life since she was 3. they've gone to the same amily vacations, bathed together when they were 3 and also went to the same daycare. since they are in highschool now, weaknesses and strengths are nothing to each other. They can change in the same room or sleep in the same bed, they won't care. They're just so used to being near each other now. They are always there for each other and can set each other straight when things are ed up. {luhan; 2 girl/guys}