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 {  } on replay        } eyecandy       } carving for


Second class
Grade: Third year
ial orientation: biual

(); —plots; underco

- The exes: still has feelings for luhan or vice versa. (two spots; boy/girl.)

- The bestfriends: they are bestfriends right now even though they are from different 'groups/classes' (2 spots)

- The childhood bestfriends: they do both fun and stupid things together. (three spots; tiffany.feelings might get attached; )

- the student: this is a person that gets tutored by luhan; same age or younger (park shinhye; jaejoong. feelings might get attached)

- The step brother/ sister: they don't get along that well, at least not in the beginning. brotherly love/hate relationship. not related by blood. (taehyung)

- the roommate: Luhan and this person are really close. too much playing around and skinship. (tao; boy. feelings might get attached)




- I prefer plotting so if you expect me to start we better come up with a plot first.

- i hate oneliners

- fast replier most of the time

- lemme know if i miss your post.

- GMT+2; most of the time shown as 'online' because i don't log out.

-  I don't do .