Personal Message
the great tree.
Hello weary traveler. Welcome to my home - the Great Tree. The Great Tree is the sustaining force of the forest and my job is to protect it and the young foresters. But I guess you know this as you've come for my council. So the question now is, what can I do for you weary traveller?
Are you just looking for council, or a ear to talk to? Talk to me on my wall, I'm always here for any of the people. A fair ruler must be here for all. 
Are you requesting a quest? Then look down below for the list of quests and send me a private message requesting a quest. I shall guide you through it. When messaging me, give me the name of the quest please. Note that some quests may require you to do a previous quest. 
Do you need help finding your way through my forest? Send me a wallpost with your question. Perhaps I can give you a hint or two on navigation. 
May I ask for some assistance? (Level xx) Please send me a private message as my business must not be overheard by the people of this forest. 
If this is all young traveller. Please take a rest at our inn before you leave. I'd preferabbly like a rested traveller over a weary one. Wisdom only comes on a rested mind. If you'd like a refreshment, you should try the hydrangea water. It's truly delicious. Farewell, may the forest guide you in your travels.
Willow is the keeper of the forest. the ruler of the people. in lore, she is the forest herself. she feels it's qualms and helps soothe it's worries. she has leafy tinted eyes that change with the season and her dress is always seeming to change as well. Growing or shortening, turning shades of colors. She resides in the great tree; the tree that starts it all and protects the forest by holding a sacred relic within it with the keepre. If the tree dies without a sapling being born shortly after, the forest will die. luckily, that hasn't happened.... yet.
