Personal Message
Kane Estate.
Azale Kane
19 years of age
Prince of Air Loft
Welcome to our city traveler. I see you've finally made it. I hope your journey did not leave you wary. Please take part at the Inn. Tell them you are guest of the Kane family. We have gotten word of your bravery on the other floors. I am lately always in my mansion. So if you wish to speak, or just to keep me company, you are welcome at any time.
My father has been attending meetings as of late. So I've sort of been running the city.
Would you mind doing something for me? Then look down below for the list of quests and send me a private message requesting a quest. I shall guide you through it. When messaging me, give me the name of the quest please. Note that some quests may require you to do a previous quest. 
Do you need help finding your way through the city? Send me a wallpost with your question. Perhaps I can give you a hint or two on navigation. 
I wish to ask for you assistance? (Level xx) Please send me a private message as my business must not be overheard by the workers here. 
If this is all please remember to enjoy your time here. I am sure you will enjoy it here more than you can imagine. All I ask is that you recharge.
On The day that traveler came, the sun shone it's brightest. I still remember the look in that person's eyes and thinking of how much drive there was. Anyone with that kind of motivation is admirable to me. I am even too afraid to leave the air loft. though i feel my skills may be helpful else where...

(This character is transportable. Must be at level 13 to ask this character to join your party)