Personal Message

Young Master

Yook Sungjae




Personality:                                                       Sungjae is verry Timid as first, but once you get use to him he is actually pretty lively and positive.          Moto:                                                               Poise is the absoulute factor in Life
Height: 180 Cm, Weight: 68kg, Blood type A                      











Straight | Gay | Aeual| Planning on Destroying the World | Panual


Taken| Loving the Single life | Crushing | Not Looking | Other


Taken By: N/A                                                    Taken On: N/A                                                  










Background:                                                       As a kid, Sungjae had always been ignored by his family, seeing as they where rich as hell and would always travel around. He really didn't like to travel that much, and his family knew it, but they still left him behind instead of spending time with him. He was homeschooled a lot because he didn't know how to socialize with people, so usually he sticked to himself. He had gotten use to his parents not being around and had become verry timid in the process of growing up with nobody around him his age. But however he can also be very positive and very lively.





Special people to Me~









Color: Black and Red

Number: Six

Speacialties: Snowboarding, Fishing, and Japanesse

Other Stuff~

EArgasm: United Cube Christmas Song

Eyegasm: N/A

Thoughts: This place is AWESOME!
