Personal Message
Our home.
Catia and Dasha
19 years of age
Protectos of CC
Welcom to our home. We have been protecting Crystal Cavern all our lives. I'm Catia (white) and I'm a snow wielder, and Dasha (red) works with fire. We are always practicing and working hard. If you wish to spar, please let us know. We are more than willing to practice with passers by.
Do you wish to talk? Dasha's not much of a talking type. But she's great with information about the town and specializing abilities. If you just wish for someone to talk to, then I'm more than willing to talk.
Are you requesting a quest? Then look down below for the list of quests and send me a private message requesting a quest. I shall guide you through it. When messaging me, give me the name of the quest please. Note that some quests may require you to do a previous quest. 
Need help finding your way around? Ask Dasha. She's a girl of few words. But she'll tell you what you need to know. 
May I ask for some assistance? (Level xx) Please send me a private message as my business must not be overheard by the people of the town. 
If that's all friend, then please rest up. You were in bad condition apon coming here. I suspect you'll need som healing time. So enjoy your time here. We have one of the best inns around. Check it out~
I couldn't help but to wonder if they would get to where they need to be. I've seen strong people in my day, but none as strong as that. Goddess Memoria has been kind to them. I only wish they can find who they once were. Dasha and I are still figuring it out.
Dasha: Please, visit us again some time.
*gasps* Danya, you spoke! *smiles warmly looking in the direction you took off* That person is something else. Getting my little Danya attached. *giggles merrily* Please do return traveler. And do not forget what you have learned here. What the gods give, they can also take away.