
Full Name: Hung ZiTao
Nickname: baby panda
Rank: Geisha
Explaination:Tao had always been outcast in his home and in his hometown. He had always been interested in boys but always in the Geisha world. His family decided to sell him to the Geisha house one day when they were in desperate need of money. He was only 6 when He was sold. As he grew up in the house he always loved to explore as he helped out cheerfully. He was told by many that he looked like a baby panda. He very minded though. at 9 he started his training as a Geshia, and enjoyed it. He had lovely voice and great dance skills. He found a panda plushie one day in front of his door and hates to take it out of the house. Tao became a Geisha when he turned 16. He is a well known Geisha and is only 17  even though he has not lost 'it' people still love his company and his friendliness and lovableness