Personal Message

SHINee - Jonghyun - maria-050801090907 Photo



To my Jonghyun <3

Dear my one and only oppa,

I love you so much. You have no idea how much. You're patient with me,
understanding and loving. I wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world.
You make me smile like a complete idiot and well, I AM your complete idiot.
The effect you have on me is amazing and I'm doubting if I will ever need
someone again just as much as I need you. Kim Jonghyun, I love you.


Yura xoxo


tumblr_n1id49oR3I1rh3sq5o1_500.jpg              Kim Ahyoung is a forbidden name no one should ever call her. She is Yura now. She is an only child and was born into a family where males were dominant and were all doctors. Her parents always wanted a son but their last shot was her which disappointed them and lead them to mistreat her, neglect her and abandon her. She was never picked up at school and was always forgotten. On the day before her 18th birthday, her parents promised to fetch her and promised her a lovely dinner. For the first time in all her life, her parents actually wanted to spend time with her. That night, someone kidnapped her and her countless of times for 8 days. She was traumatized and felt like killing herself. She escaped from him with the help of the police but she already had broken ribs, bruises and scars all over her body. She was sent to the hospital where her parents just loathed her for being so 'careless' and now the guy they wanted her to marry backed out on the arrangement. They never valued her birthday. They actually were planning her to get married so they wouldn't have her anymore. Now that she was deflowered, no one wanted her. Years later she graduated top of her class in med school and was very young when she became a doctor. Yura was a genius that no one can deny. She left her parents even though they only now wanted her because she already proved herself to them but she disowned herself because she couldn't take it anymore. And now she is alone, free but has a secret she would never tell.