
Kim Himchan
Age 23
Intern in learning.

Can go from shy to seductive in a matter of milliseconds.
Has always been conscious of his high drive, but has mostly attempted to hide it in fear of judgement.

Himchan wasn't all that reserved as a child, he was outgoing and friendly. Upon puberty, that got him into a bit of trouble as he had friends from both girls and guys, which often ended with a heartbreak and fight on the part of girls.  Little by little, he started pulling away from everyone in fear of judgement as he realized his interest was directed solely to the male population. That lead into his 1st year in medical school, the first party and getting drunk out of his mind, the next thing he could rememberly clearly was the angry look on his fathers face as he walked in on his schoolmate and him having on their pristine with couch in the living room.   After that night, he had packed his stuff and moved out, with the kind concent of his parents.

He is rather easy to approach to,  he might sometimes appear a bit tough or cold, but it's all mostly an act. When he meets someone who acts relaxed and kind, he will open up easier too.  Himchan always found himself protective over the friends he had managed to keep throughout his life, and it was perhaps that same nurturing, motherly-protective-like nature that drove him into the medical field. Although he is still slightly unsure if the work will truly fit for him, since sometimes he forms bonds with people a little too easily, or rather, the bonds he forms are difficult for him to forget, no matter what kind of things happened along the way. 

Although he's rather known for stating his opinions and getting a little bull-headed at times,Himchan still has a high respect towards authorities, be that someone older than him,or someone who would clearly be more experienced in things than he is. It was perhaps one of the reasons why he tended to become a teachers favourite student, as he was the quiet, seemingly studious kid in class... Well, at least he appeared that way.


Really likes it rough. 
*Ageplay (tell him to listen to daddy and oh, we will be one naughty child to punish,or he might behave, who knows~)