Personal Message


                        G R U D G E S   R E V E N G E   T H I R S T   A N D   G L O R Y


                                lee byunghun
                                                               they call me l.joe .
                                              T E E N   T O P     ♠    T O P   E N T .    ♠    D I S T R I C T    7   ♠   L U M B E R     
                                                may the odds be ever in your favour.




                                        don't pretend like you know me 
                                                                                            i'm a i am a panther in the dark .


                                        S T R E N G T H S :  L.Joe is a powerful and hot-headed warrior, fierce as a panther, sly as a fox. He embraces the darkness to stalk and attack his enemies. Because of that, he has an acute sense of sight and hearing. Sneaking up on him wouldn't be much help during battle, he would hear you coming. Don't underestimate him because of his height. He can scale trees as fast as you could blink. His arms are stronger than that of any other tributes, since he had been chopping down trees since he was 13. Since he had relied on stealth and defense to evade bullies in District 7, his defensive skills and reflexes are above the average standards. He is fiercely protective of his loved ones, and would raise hell if anyone tried to harm them. He is also very handy with sharp objects such as the axe and the cleaver. So if you get on his bad side, you won't last very long.                                        
                                        W E A K N E S S E S :  Though powerful and seemingly fearless, L.Joe is terrified of water because of a near-death encounter in his childhood. Also, he is traumatized by his brother's death. Anything that reminds him of it would drive him insane, causing flashbacks and hallucinations that hinder his fighting. He couldn't stand seeing his loved ones get hurt, especially if he couldn't do anything about it. It would cause him to break down and lose control. He also has very little allies since he doesn't bring himself to trust others easily. He doesn't really like to fight girls, and hates to see them cry, as it reminded him of his mother's tears.
                                        P E R S O N A L I T Y :  L.Joe may be arrogant, cold and nonchalant on the outside, but if one takes the time to get to know him, he is rather sensitive, sweet and loyal. He wouldn't attack an already defeated enemy, or pick a battle with someone who was weaker than himself. He would also lend a hand to the heavily disadvantaged during fights. He sticks to his words, and would not turn against the ones he had sworn to protect. He's also protective, and would be willing to put his life at risk for anyone worthy of his trust. If you betray that trust, however, I hope you function well with just one limb.
                                        B A C K G R O U N D :  L.Joe spent the first few years of his life in an orphanage. At the age of 7, he was adopted by a family, as they needed an extra pair of hands to help out in their family lumberjack business. Though he was part of their family, it wasn't hard to see who his parents favoured more. While L.Joe had to help out with the chores, scale trees to pick fruits or fetch water, his older brother stayed at home to study. His brother was bethrothed to the mayor's daughter, their marriage promising their family wealth, so his parents tripped over themselves trying to groom him into the best gentleman District 7 ever had. Every piece of meat went to his brother, whereas L.Joe had to eat dry slices of bread with stale cheese for supper. This was why L.Joe was so skinny. While his older brother went to school, L.Joe was stuck in the forest, chopping down trees. But despite these circumstances, L.Joe grew up happy. His brother never discriminated against him, had largely disapproved of the biasness their parents had. He would sneak him pieces of leftover meat at the dinner table, which L.Joe ate well, and tutored him whenever he had time. His mother, although showering more devotion to her legitimate son, never ignored L.Joe. His trips to the forest honed his agility and strength. However, L.Joe was badly bullied by the other kids in his district. They called him 'Dwarf' or 'Midget' each time he passed. At first it was just name-calling, then it got physical. When L.Joe went to fetch water from the lake one day, they pushed him in and nearly drowned him. The bullies would beat him up, and they relished it because L.Joe wouldn't tell anyone about it. Until his brother decided to follow him, finally sick of wondering why his little brother was coming home with fresh scars every day. He found out about the bullies and fought them off. Since then, L.Joe admired his brother greatly, following him around and learning whatever he could. Fate takes an unexpected turn as time came for the reaping for the Games. His older brother's name was called, and he left without saying goodbye. The family watched him get murdered on television. After his brother's death, L.Joe shut the world out, refusing to talk to anyone, except Samuel, a kid he had befriended while babysitting. His mother committed suicide out of grief; L.Joe found her body hanging off the kitchen ceiling. His father hated him, believing that he should've volunteered in his brother's place. L.Joe grew frustrated, and since he had nothing else to lose anymore, he volunteered himself to take part in the next Game. 




        profile by hg_3capitol-nicole




We can get along...

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I will KILL you

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