
Age: 21


Mental Disorders: Schizophrenia,Insomnia,  Fear of Dark places


Background: Joonyoung started hearing voices when he was little at first they comforted him told him things would be ok and he liked them but soon they started to change and started yelling at him every chance they got. He tried to tell his parents but they didn’t want to listen to him saying he was too old for ‘imaginary’ friends but to Joonyoung they weren’t imaginary and they had the power to hurt him and everyone else with the plots they kept whispering to him. It was what started his marathon runs of no sleep he figured if he didn’t fall asleep he could make sure everything was fine but in truth he could only stay up so long. Joonyoung made it on his own till the age of twenty one but due to his actions many people doubt he could live completely on his own and still be valuable so they tossed him into the asylum to rot.


Personality: Joonyoung is a pretty timid person when around a whole group of people or even on his own at times but when he gets very mad or very scared he will start fighting whether the person is real or imaginary.