Personal Message

Park Hyungseok

what's behind the lens?


The other half of me



Byun Baekhyun






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About Me

Everything was normal. Nothing was out of the ordinary and Hyunseok was living a good life with his parents and little sister Suhyun. However that all changed 10 years ago. That word that no family ever wanted to hear. And that was the word tumor. Suhyun was diagnosised with a brain tumor that required chemo and pills to keep it from destroying her brain. His parents had to work even harder to pay the bills and, even at times, his faher had to find "darker" sources to get money. But, that eventually caught up to them and one night, two men in black came as his father never pay back the debt. As a result, the price was their lives--all four of them. However, Hyungseok's parents provided him and his sister to escape, letting themselves get killed. Left alone in the world to defend after themselves, Hyungseok had to assume the role of parent for Suhyun. Working 5 part-time jobs while trying to juggle school, was stressful to say the least. But, there was one salvation--a dark and nasty one... 




For a the next ten years, he had sold himself to whoever could pay the best price... all so that his sister could get the medicine and treatment she needed. Hyungseok never told her and never will. But just a few months ago, he managed to escape that and launched himself into freelance photography. However, the scars are still there. He has lost all faith in people and can only truly smile with his sister. And even though capturing emotion in a photo is  his specialty, he has never felt any in the past decade of his life.

General Information

Park hyungseok
Date of Birth
Blood Type
taken; in love