Personal Message

don't be timid, the night is too good to waste
He goes by Zhang Yixing in the day and Lay in the night. No one really knows him enough to guess which persona is the real him. Zhang Yixing  may very well be the most dreamy guy you've ever met but Lay, Lay is on an entire different level. Lay is the leader of the most feared gang in underground Seoul. Rumour has it that he started killing at the tender age of eight. Of course no one knows the truth but the way he takes down his enemies gives you all the answer you need. However, there is another rumour that says that Lay doesn't do the killing at all. It says that Lay is the brain behind everything and that he enjoys watching the torture before his enemies die. It's up to you to believe what you want to but just don't get into the wrong side of him.
No one knows his day job
Leader of Black Dragons
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