Personal Message









FAN - 30.05.1997 - 42kg - 168 cm - biual - single





Miyeon was her name. She was an ambitious girl with a huge dream and a hesitant heart. She loved singing and dancing but never had the courage to go all out and try her luck at the auditions so she simply stuck with making YouTube covers of songs and dances she enjoys. It was the easy way out and she knew it, but it was a lot better than breaking down in the middle of other talented people who'll just make you look like a laughingstock. And that was her logic, her reason for many years.

Miyeon had always been a little closed off from the world, as if she was in a world of her own. Thus, she comes off as a little distant and unapproachable but that's not really the case. She'll start the conversation sometimes and trail off, wandering back to her own world without knowing. Many mistake that as a sign that she's not interested but she's just easily distracted.

Despite her empty-mindedness, she was a great friend to those who stuck by her side. She didn't have much friends, in fact, she could probably count them all with her hands. But she didn't let that sadden her, in fact to her, it meant less competition for her idols. Yes, she was a fan, a hardcore fan in fact, but not a sasaeng.

It has always been in her nature to like people, to like them without knowing them. She'll get hurt a lot due to this and having a fragile heart doesn't help either. Despite this, she never had once attempted to change her ways. "Why change who you are?" In short, Miyeon was an impatient and sensitive girl, she'll care a lot about someone once they've made their way into her heart.