
Jay Park is a Private Inverstigator in the city. 

When he first graduated high school he moved away from the city to go and experience the world. Once he found a 'nice' place to live, Jay went straight to the police academy and attempted, sucessfully, to become an officer of the law. While he wasn't an outstanding marksmen or fantastic with people skills, he was a solid investigator following his gut and he was both praised for his physical ability while also reprimanded for softening up dirtbags more often than was necessery.

This went on for a few years until Jay made the mistake of beating on the wrong scumbag for getting out of line. A minor bookie but with a wealth of connections. This guy, if we could even call him that, called in a few favors and had planned to get revenge on the budding young officer. Tragically, this lead to the death of Jay's sister who had been visitng. She was at his home at the wrong time. While he was never able to prove it, Jay knew in his gut it was that dirty bookie. 

He went back to his hometown to attend his funeral. Their parents would not speak to him as they blamed him for this. Unable to look them in the eye and say otherwise, Jay decided that he would try to make up for his fault and become an investigator here, to try and bring peace of mind to people like him.