Personal Message
golden ratio
main rapper
Lovely People

`About Them 

alias myungsoup
hi there my favorite footwear (/slapped) whoops i mean favorite guy so far. uhm so what should i write about you? oh i think there's none for now otl but i tell you honestly, pink doesnt suits you much. black and white suits you more. why? you look practical and simple. thats why. since im the one who said it, you should believe it. saranghaja.

alias bubbletea maniac
hi there my favorite food buddy. its yura here. whoops why are you here anyway? no, im not sure. or worst, i dont know either. (/slapped) likewise, you're a nice person to be with. sweet mouthed yet kind. not showing his bratness yet. but if you do, then maybe i would not buy bubbletea for you anymore. (/laughs) well at least i wont mad at you. just- bubbletea is a nono.

alias  the epitome of?
hi there my enemy or should i say my opponent for the next basketball match? lol okay kidding. i just wanna say thanks for accepting me as your partner before and now that we dont i still feel that we're getting closer now and thats nice to know that. i just hope you wont be too tolerant to your members, know what i mean? you have your own ability. dont let that talent's overshadows by your precious members. remember that. love you.

eyesmiles representative
ayy there bby dear. its your favorite yurawr unnie here. just wanna let you know that i love so much. sometime greater than my love towards the maknae hyeri (/slapped) uhm i dont really know what to say rigth now otl i will just stop here for now until i find a new thing to write okay? okay. love you dear.

my dear appa and omma
appa! take care of omma. if you ever make her cry, i'll kick you into the jail (/flipped) i mean no. just kidding. of course i wont dare to kick my own favorite father right? huehue. and omma! take care of appa too. if you ever hurt his feel, i'll fry your rilakkumma dolls for real (/knifed) okay thats it. my brain is jammed now so yeah. you know what  feel dont you? i'll write to you guys later. bye saranghae.

what do you mean by you dont know how to use my accent? /slapped. kay random stuff. ayy there. its really nice to see you lil bby earthlings c: keem eura is here. i hold the title main rapper and golden ratio of the group and love to eat meat. if you do have one, then donate it to me /knifed. so what should i say now? otl i danna. lemme just end it up here until i get an idea what to write ;; yours sincerely, keem yura eura the meat obsess of girls day o/ (troll intro) let me be your second self. let me hold your hand so that i can endure your pain for you, wipe your tears away and make you happy. let me enter your heart so that i can know and learn about you more. dont be hesitate cause i certainly wont leave any wound, deep in your heart. to my dearest guy that i always admire. (soft intro) who do you think you are? playing with girls' heart. who do you think you are? hurting my feeling. you dont deserve happiness that all people should have. such a bad guy. you can never get me again cause i m not gonna turn my face to you anymore. i dont need you. enough with the bitter memories. you are not need in my life anymore. goodbye is the best choice for us. (/random)