Personal Message

Queen Sungmin

Age; 19

Powers; None

Queen of the Kingdom of Passion and the Ocean Kingdom

Relationship Status: Happily Married

Number of Children: 1

Past: When Sungmin was born, he lost his mother at childbirth and was cursed with a demon, a succubus, that controlled his body in certain situations. He was sold to kingdoms all over the land to pleasure their kings and princes for trades. When Sungmin was married to Prince Taemin, the curse was broken and Taemin put Sungmin's demon in a small doll that looked like Min. Now this demon is their adopted daughter, Chunshi.


King Taemin


Message to Lover: My sweet and charming king, I'm sorry I was not loyal to you while I was away, but I promise to be only yours to hold now when you are here. Marrying you was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'll go anywhere with you. You are my world now and I hope you realize how much you truly mean to me. You gave me a baby girl and I want to raise her with your loving help. With all my love, Queen Sungmin.



Princess Chunshi (female)


Description of Princess Chunshi:

Chunshi was known as the succubus Alseia and was cursed upon Princess Sungmin. But Prrince Taemin came and broke the curse, freeing Sungmin from the evil demon then putting the essence of that demon into his wedding gift for Sungmin to give as a daugher. She looks like a young female version of her 'Umma' Queen Sungmin except that her right eye is lavender purple instead of green and her left eye is crimson red, instead of blue like her umma. She is only 10 years old and is very clingy to Sungmin because their sould are still intertwined from the curse.


My sweet and loving family:

Sungmin and Taemin


(After Min's moher died, he was sad, then he made a friend, Taemin, who came back and proposed, making him happy again)

Sungmin and Chunshi:


Full grown succubus Chunshi:
