Personal Message


im jinah

age: 24



about me

Jinah was born into a wealthy family. Her grandfather was a government official and her father a businessman. Her father is the owner of La Belle Vie, so Jinah does what she pleases without any consequences. She may seem very stuck up and self centered but is actually very kind and sweet to most people.
message to lover

Nulla luctus eros erat, eu vehicula urna ultrices sed. Donec a ex sagittis, dictum lacus eget, tincidunt diam. Nam nec consequat mauris, non eleifend mi. Ut eget risus eros. Phasellus condimentum ut sapien at convallis. Aliquam et finibus turpis. Donec sed urna ultrices purus sagittis laoreet. Vivamus semper, purus vel rutrum varius, neque odio sollicitudin velit, in euismod nisi augue in orci. Ut cursus blandit luctus. Integer elementum magna in enim aliquet, id mattis urna porttitor. In fringilla sapien sed lorem suscipit, et faucibus leo tincidunt. Quisque iaculis molestie tortor, ut lobortis purus luctus nec. Vivamus nec imperdiet nisl. Nulla dapibus massa at semper sagittis. In sit amet vehicula ex. Praesent varius, lacus eu tempus luctus, libero nunc tincidunt tellus, eget sodales metus velit pharetra felis.

Etiam vitae tortor lobortis, dapibus augue a, elementum dolor. Duis cursus sodales mi ac elementum. Praesent ac maximus nisi. Phasellus a augue venenatis, interdum nibh in, congue erat. Curabitur a nisi lobortis, ultricies dui at, placerat mi. Integer gravida ipsum velit, id tristique purus mattis a. Fusce et velit gravida, placerat arcu quis, sollicitudin eros. Sed commodo tempus dapibus. Nulla commodo arcu dolor, eu vehicula libero sodales eget. Duis blandit hendrerit lorem, non hendrerit quam efficitur id. Ut rhoncus lacus et laoreet faucibus.

these are my idiots











OOC Corner:

  1. Time Zone: -5 gmt
  2. If my post gets buried, or you forget me. I will poke you ONCE or TWICE, so if you like RPing with me try and remember or I'll give our plot away to use with someone else
  3. If I don't reply, don't keep poking me I will get to you. I want my replies to be good so i take time writing them.
  4. I use my moble most of the time, excuse any mistakes, mainly all grammer sometimes.
  5. If I don't respond for a very, VERY, long time it means i just don't want to rp with you :P
  6. I LOVE drama. So if you want to have drama come to me!


1. THE ARRANGED MARRIAGE || Taken by no one  || your parents and Jinah's parents have arranged for you two to marry each other. The only problem is, you two are not in love. But as time goes by maybe love will blossom or maybe hatred? ||angst, drama, t(possibly), romance(possibly)

2. BODYGUARD || Open for a security guard || Jinah is a very important person, as a child she was kidnapped ever since, even now she's had bodyguards. You are assigned to guard her and protect her. || action, drama, angst(maybe?)
3. SWIMMING LESSONS || Open for any Lifeguard || Even though Jinah owns dozens of swim suits she never learned how to swim. One day she's on a raft in the pool and falls asleep she accidentally drifts to the deep end and falls in almost drowning but you save her. You then decide to teach her how to float/swim. || comedy, romance(maybe?)
4. MY POOR PERSON || Open for any female staff || Jinah doesn't have many close trust worthy friends but after meeting you she declares you her new best friend even though you two don't share much in common. Even though you two are opposites you work well together and you put up with each other still. || Friendship, comedy, fluff