Personal Message

- dani was here~ ♡ -


Hey there, Suho oppa~ It's your cutie pie Yerin here. I just wanna tell you that I really love you, oppa. You're my first love and you'll be the last as well. I'll make you happy everyday so you need to take care of yourself too, arasso? And don't dare to look at other girls too, remember that, ara? Saranghae, oppa~

ello appa~! I'm here to say that I'm glad to have you in my life. You're good to me even though I'm not that good to you. Be happy okay? I know that I can't make you happy as much as you do. So, Yerin unnie can make you happy! But, I'm here if you need me. Saranghae~ ♥♡


kim dani

Hey there my cute daughter,you know i love you right? so if you feel sad,just come to me and i will try to make you happy. saranghae.


Hey there Yerin-ah,i know you must be waiting for me for a long time already right? but now im confident and already fall in love with you. I know maybe im not a good guy but i will try to make you happy and i hope you will do the same toward me too. i love you.Saranghae


a day without you
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"I can't believe,
yes it's true.
Because you're not next to me,
everything ends with you."
NAME : KIM joonmyeon
STATUS : taken
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet pulvinar massa. Curabitur nec feugiat felis, a aliquet orci. Integer egestas ut nunc eu hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent ac justo at lacus auctor venenatis vel in nulla. Fusce suscipit ligula nibh, non suscipit enim tristique sit amet. Praesent rhoncus turpis turpis, ut gravida augue hendrerit nec. Suspendisse eu posuere lacus. Vestibulum id quam lobortis, egestas nunc sed, hendrerit quam. Praesent eu quam id quam pharetra convallis. Suspendisse porttitor diam ut mattis interdum.

Sed vehicula odio vel velit mollis sollicitudin id nec orci. Quisque vel nisi ac enim aliquet imperdiet id nec risus. Phasellus egestas non nulla id eleifend. Curabitur laoreet purus eget orci vehicula, et auctor dolor porta. Praesent sagittis ipsum non libero viverra viverra. Integer accumsan risus at mauris porttitor interdum sed id justo. Sed nibh quam, sodales et dui nec, viverra elementum felis. Sed sed urna erat. Phasellus mollis lacus sit amet semper pulvinar.

Cras at purus diam. Aliquam elit urna, ullamcorper ac mauris elementum, condimentum consectetur ante. Duis posuere urna nunc, a molestie felis pellentesque eget. Praesent lorem nibh, vulputate eu consectetur hendrerit, feugiat ac purus. Nunc non consequat nibh. Mauris mattis ultrices sem, id rutrum purus ullamcorper ut. Donec vitae quam ac quam volutpat viverra. Quisque rutrum convallis felis, ut porttitor nisi placerat at. Suspendisse rutrum sapien eros, id viverra lacus egestas ac. Integer tincidunt interdum est, quis eleifend risus interdum ut. Proin ut suscipit elit. Duis luctus leo sit amet metus convallis, quis hendrerit velit laoreet. Proin urna nulla, bibendum et nulla a, posuere rhoncus metus.