Personal Message

P-Please don't hurt me . . . .


  This is Minwoo. He is 16/17 years of age. His mother gave him away because she disliked and hated him. No longer able to stand his presence and gavehim to the orphanage. She barely fed him. Sometimes not even for days or weeks! His mother was a druggy and an alcoholic. Minwo never knew who his father was.

    Minwoo doesn't understand why he was placed here. He's shy, anti-social, veryyyyy skinny (from lack of food), innocent, quiet, nice and would love to play soccer or any kind of sport. Sadly not knowing how to swim. Other kids at school would treat him like dirt and bully him. One day, he finally had enough, but in the end he was almost killed. Basically almost beatened to death until the principal and vice principal broke it up.

   Maybe this time he'll make the right choice of friends? Who knows? The young teen hopes he doesn't get beat up again, like before. Wanting to make some new friends, but too shy and anti-social to do so. He hopes one day his mother could come back for him. Until then, he'll just wait here. Not understanding the point of being in this place.

   His older brother Baekho is the only family he has left. Since their mother didn't want them, nor his sister. Its only the two of them left. Minwoo loves his older brother very much. Always sticking close to him. Afraid of getting hurt or someone trying to hurt him. His brother makes him feel safe.