Personal Message
   gmt -5 | usually always online | mostly semi-para | poke me if i dont reply            credit       
please please PLEASE use  good grammar when rping with me
you dont need to do like a whole novel or anything, but i like lengthy replies. (even though i dont do that orz)
if i get uninterested, i'll do something like super dramatic in the middle of our casual rp~ lol
if you ask me to rp, its only logical for you to start. -3-
and if you dont reply after a while and i like our rp, imma bother the hell out of you so deal with it xD


affliction: [ə-ˈflik-shən]

(n.) something that causes pain or suffering.
ex. baek sumin is an affliction to your life.

age : nineteen.  oriantation :straight. ┇ status : single. 

Baek sumin. That girl with no heart. its probably there, but its ice cold, surrounded by steel walls that dont plan on breaking down anytime soon. 
Sumin is a loner, shes fine with that. being in solitude is a persons freedom.
sumin has a past that no other soul knows. no one has ever been close enough to her.
she keeps people away for their own good. just let her be. her lonliness keeps her sane.
she is lucky that she is allowed into this orphanage. they almost didnt accept her,
the only way she is allowed to stay is if she welcomes newcomers and shows people around.
sumin hates this job, but shes got no where else to go. 
the headmaster is always on her case because she is a "hazard to the society"
she's just a teenage girl.
is it really possible for her to be such a dangerous being?
why not come and find out?
baek sumin. a nineteen year old girl, whose fate was planned out for her the moment she was born.
sumin spent her childhood jumping around from one foster home to another. its hard for a kid
to know they are unwanted. sumin always kind of knew it was her own fault for destroying the only family 
she ever had. but of course she would blame herself for her mothers suicide, i mean, she was 
there in her last moments. sumin was always a quiet, obedient child to her foster parents,
but that was never enough. she taught herself how to play the violin so her family could love
her maybe just a little bit. and it worked. her foster parents used sumin as their little puppet as she
would win tons and tons of competitions and awards for her amazing talent. as they rolled around
in her competition money, sumin finally snapped. she was just their money maker who didnt mean a thing
to them. sumin was then brought to this orphanage at the age of 11. shes been here for 8 years. 
and nobody ever wanted her. but thats okay. her feelings ar mutual towards everyone. 
eargasm : la vi en rose. ┇ mood : broken&gone. ┇ thoughts : "i hate this damned place."