Personal Message

regret is always at the end

current rp

list of current roleplays

krystal//pol. station//not yet
his only cousin, though trained very well, might be in danger. and daehyun follows her to both complete their mission and also to assure himself that one of the most important in his life is still alive.

daehyun bumps into minzy in the school, and tries to help her not knowing about the survivors she's trying to help herself.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.


ooc stuffs +

About Me


- I'm a co-admin so... I dunno maybe I could help you with anything but anyways, just ask! xD I'll try my best. orz

- I don't appreciate being poked a lot, I'll reply whenever I can and when my sickness (being lazy) is not acting up. e w e

- I never poke anyone unless were close enough. So... if ever you forgot to reply to me. Oh well, I'd wait until you remember. haha. orz

- I'm weird in OOC and I intend to use emoticons a lot soooo yeah. I'll try to minimize it though. xD

- I'm veerrrrryyyy  friendly so talk to me, yeah? ♥ I'll be good and I won't bite! Promise~

- Other things about me: Timezone is  GMT+8// I'm on almost everyday and everytime but I'll probably be inactive once school starts// Almost always lazy. eue don't blame me//I'm a filipino! unu;

