
Name: Yu Hamin


Orientation: Homoual


Reason there: Mute & Anorexia


Background: Hamin was raised by his mother, his father having left the picture before he was born. His mother was only 16 when she had him, having been kicked out of her house and disowned after Hamin's grandparents found out. They had always been poor, struggling to get food on the table every day. He had always been bullied and picked on, being made fun of for the old clothes he wore. As he got older, the bullying only got worse. The words became more hurtful and the bullying became harsher, physical. Through his whole life Hamin hadn't ever been one to talk or interact, but it only became serious by his teens. He had started taking all those words by heart, feeling 'worthless', 'stupid', 'ugly', 'fat'. He finally stopped talking and eating after an incident at his school, something that was forgotten by everyone and just pushed aside. Those boys never got into any type of trouble. Hamin started skipping school and staying in bed, alone. His mother had long ago stopped caring about him. She was selling herself to get money. But not for food, but for drugs. When Hamin was finally found and sent to the place for 'flaws' like him, the boy wwas almost releaved. Thinking anything was better then the hell he grow up in.


(I'll make is pretty later lol)