Personal Message
name: choi siwon
age: 27
from: seoul
loving: ♥︎
* :eyegasm
* :eargasm
calm :mood
one day :thoughts
about me
By the age of e i g h t, Choi Siwon's father had successfully killed his mother and two siblings and made it seem like a suicide murder. At the age of e l e v e n, Choi Siwon was by his own father, for the first time. On his f i f t h t e e n birthday was the first time he learned about child extortion- by personal experience. Despite all these horrible life comings, he kept his will going. He matured way sooner then any child, he became wiser than any man that has lived thrice his age, and became stronger as a person. The only thing he was not able to get back was his precious childhood. And so as an adult, there is nothing more important to him then finding himself again. The only thing is- he might only be able to find it with someone else. ---------The Choi Corps; It was an important and well recognized business, but what was mostly in the limelight was Mr. Choi Siwon himself. He was a great noble man, with a past who no one even knows, or if they do, don't bring it up, and was one of the youngest worldwide entrepreneur by the age of twenty-seven. He was a man of power, fame, and riches; he was already named one of the top five leading business owners in South Korea and Asia, photographers followed his every more - not to mention all the ladies that worshiped him-, and was the founder and CEO of a multi-billion dollar branch office. ------Personailty; Though he seems like a stereotypical mean rich guy, he is not. Even with his expensive house, car, and life- those things were expenses that he is obligated to do to keep a good name to his company. If it was up to him he would live in a simple home, in a simple life, with a simple loving family. That's really what he is chasing, happiness with the right person. He is a very reserved man, but sends out an aura of kindness and warmth when he feels comfortable with you. Though he makes the world to believe that he goes for the ladies, since he was child he was forced and taught to like men, hence why he likes men to this day. ( but honestly, he really doesn't check out a guy, unless he is breath taken and so far in life he hasn't.... Or has he?). He is friendly, wise, handsome, and kind. He is simply Choi Siwon. 
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my baby



Delivery from Taeminnie:

『_| ̄|○ asdfghjkl;; look at this cuteness O n O /cuddles and creys Thanks, Taeminnie ily bae ♥︎』


『 MUHAHAHAHAHAHA I HAVE A LIGER! His name is Gabriel or Gabe for short :p 』

Iloveyoutoosweetheart~ ><:Taeminnie♥︎』