Personal Message

Jun wants dat /mouth. 

xoxo, Jun~ You can delete this~


Sanggyun is a young boy who chose to go into slavery when he realized his "problem" would be best taken care of there, and it was a fairly charmed life. He's a snarky, not easily tamable eighteen year old with a tendency to not listen to instruction. The only thing he'll gladly open up for is anything going into his mouth whether it be food, toys, fingers, , anything to sate the burning he feels when something isn't there. The internet told him a long time ago he had an oral fixation, so now he sates it anyway he can, but doesn't broadcast it out loud. So although you'll see him all the time with candy or gum in his mouth, prying the truth from him will be a lot harder than you'd think.

178cm~62kg~Sub~Single, no Master yet~