Personal Message
 t's hard to miss, once you veer left off the main highway there it is. Walls of oak, blanketed by spiraling vines of green. The scent of freshly ground coffee beans and the sweet aroma of caramel.  The best cafe' in Seoul as they all say, you'd be idiotic not to take a visit...

Baekhyun thought he were being fooled when he recieved the call that Tuesday afternoon. "You're hired, remember to change into your uniform when you arrive. First shift in three days time". The week before a job application for 'barista' at  a popular cafe' were announced in the local newspaper, Baekhyun had thought twice about the idea of such a position before taking haste to drive to the venue. The sight of at least thirteen other pupils applying for the job made his heart sink, knowing the possibility of achieving this position were naught. Perhaps the manager took a liking to his open personality, his wide smile and positive attitude as a period of one year has passed and he's now the most loved barista in Seoul. 

"Morning Baekhyun". Anyone who walks through the doors  acknowledge his presence, some even leave a flirtacious wink. Baekhyun is a loved employee by both his workmates and customers. With such easy-going behavior, a certain charm and quite the skill in gaining affection how could you not ?

Aside, Baekhyun leads any average lifestyle. Having lived a solid three years home alone, kicked out by his parents saying he needs to find some independance. He keeps a  healthy mind, even in the state of him often desperate for money with his still un-paid mortage. 

And as for a love life ? Baekhyun allows the oppurtunity to meet his side, taking the occasional date when asked and leaving his heart open..

Plot 001 ; The Regular (female) 0 / 1 - 'Friendship '
You enter the cafe' every morning, within the same ten minute interval. Baekhyun keeps strict survellience of this habit. You order the exact same expresso, which he preprepares for your arrival. Baekhyun has more than obviously taken a liking to your conversations over the counter, the regular customer has become someone he often thinks of. Leading to the sudden circumstance of Baekhyun asking for your phone number. 

Plot 002 ; The Manager (male/female) o / 1 - 'Friendship'
Perhaps it were Baekhyun's charming smile that lead you to accepting his application over the other reliable applicants. Maybe even a certain spark you felt within your gut that took either a romantic or employee liking to him. Now in the workplace you watch his every move, the way in which he comforts and manages to create an atmospheric humbleness, almost a second home of the cafe'. You admire his work ethic, thus Baekhyun is your number  one employee.

Plot 003 ; The Jealous (male) 0 / 1 - 'Hate'
It's always Baekhyun, always him who gains the immediate attention, always him who steals the best tips, always him who makes you feel enraged. Ever since Baekhyun lit up the enviroment of the cafe' you took a dislike to him. Perhaps because you yourself are incapable of doing such a feat, or you just genuinely clash with his positive personality.

Plot 004 ; The  Hopeful (female) 0 / 1 - 'Friendship'
It was obvious, from the moment you spoke that Baekhyun and you wouldn't work as a couple. Nonetheless your strong attraction to him only grows as you work alongside him every shift. He treats you with utmost kindness, and he flashes the most enlighting smiles. Yet the dwelling knowledge of how he'll never feel the same way as yourself is heartbreaking. 

Plot 005 ; The Passerby  1 / 1  - Naeun - 'Romance'
Rain buckets down overhead, the night sky thickly covered by smog. Baekhyun had only just finished his night shift, about to head his way home. Before he spots you, shivering as you stand beneath the patio of the cafe'. Umbrella clutched in one hand Baekhyun lifts it over your head, a gesture of kindness. Thus he leads you home, saying his goodbyes and your thanks. The one time occurence could've been left to rest, if it weren't for your appearence in the cafe' the following day. 

"虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。継続は力なり。 "