Personal Message


Can you make him smile this brightly again?


Maybe if you tried hard you could~

It might take time but it will be worth it through the hard times he might make you go through...

If you try to understand him and feel what he feels...

Listen to him and be different from all the others, make him feel special...

Maybe he could fall for you...

So you could be special for him too~


Gay harlot~
* moans *
Byun Baekhyun
Baekhyun has always been the sarcastic type of a young man. Though he might be a harlot now after getting kidnapped by the hunter called Kim Jaejoong and was now showing much hatred towards the person without violence, he didn't surprisingly really mind being here. Maybe he was sometimes very stubborn and felt bad because he couldn't get away, see his parents or friends either or get even a little bit of freedom but he was getting used to the same cycle, being rented, ed with and then left with money he couldn't have for himself.
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