Personal Message





Unlike most in Mono Scandal, Jessica, she came here by choice. She ran away from home at the age of 21 and found solace here, away from her dreaded parents. She is close friends with her owner and manager of the brothel, lee kiseop because he took her in and made her head harlot over all the others. If one were to act out, she would be the first to know and quickly tell him about it. the brothel is the one place where she feels in control of something, even if it isn't her own life. 

She could've run away at any time and gone to a place of her own, kiseop's that nice to her, but she doesn't mind it. in her mind, this will probably be the only way a man or woman would want to be with her; if they were paying for it.

biual | single- not looking | NP - Total eclipse of the heart