Personal Message

Name: Jung Eunji
Age: 20
Group: Apink
ual Orientation: straight
Personality traits: boyish, aggressive, spoiled brat, childish, sassy, friendly, devoted fan of the famous boy group big bang
High school life: Eunji, being the only child and bratty spent her highschool life fangirling over big bang's member T.O.P, writing fan fictions about him and co-member gd. She was never been serious about her education, not even when she was placed at the bottom spot in her school's ranking, knowing that her bestfriend would be always there to do her homeworks and stuff.
Post highschool: with not so good grades, she wasn't able to pass any of the entrance exams of all the universities in her city. thanks to her writing skills she entered a prestigious university as a special literary student
Yearbook title: TOP's wife, the ultimate fangirl