Personal Message

coming soon.


❝ The Very Best

The typical rivalry between two very aggressive students for the top mark, which transcends beyond highschool life. Need I say more?

❝ You First Love

You had the role of being the first boyfriend to a very inexperienced Eunhee. Her decision to trust you completely turned into a regret she still hates to this day. It was unforgettable and painfully bittersweet.


❝ B1 & B2

When the closest of best friends, separated by a seven year time period, aren't separated anymore. A joyful reunion full of overly playful back slapping and subtle smirks ensures.

❝ Detention Dates
It was pure coincidental for the both of you to be seated next to each other. Detention for you was an escape from the the mental strain of calculus — to her getting that little paper slip was a sign of the next coming apocalypse. Initally, after the frigid first impressions and the beginning of rather stiff and tense encounters, the two of you built a bridge and got over your striking differences. It was start a unusual yet a strangely intimate relationship.

more to come. i promiseys.


Born to a of a mother, Jo Eunhee grew up with quite of an extended family. So it wasn't that coincidental that her and Kim Jongin shared similar physical and personality traits to a somewhat alarming extent. 

Eunhee's life as your 'average' highschooler was anything but — it was hectic,  wild and distraught with fear, anxiety and other tragic emotions, excessively detailed and decorated, full of incessant and frantic activity, and a bunch of other complicated wordy phrases that essentially mean the same the thing.

She was diligent and studious, earning her at least a place in the top fifteen for those mentally unsettling yearly exams. She was expected to uphold her authority as a head figure in the student body council, something she resents volunteering for till this very day. Though she found her escape through the dramatic arts, the way velvet curtains opened, the fear of forgetting even the smallest of lines seemed to excite her.

The present day world finds Eunhee majoring in psychology, and English literature at an esteemed university, and working part time as stagehand in the theater.