a day without you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I can't believe,
yes it's true.
Because you're not next to me,
everything ends with you."
Seung Jun, though he may not look his twenty years of age, is an inherently unreliable character. Deeply self-absorbed and with a personality as sweet as venomous snakes, the young man is emotionally detached and rarely bats an eye of concern towards others. Though he wasn't always this throat-cuttingly rude, past events had hardened him to the point in which his trust in others is nonexistent. It is often said that those from bad upbringings will only have worst futures ahead of them. Though it does not completely apply to him, Lee Seung Jun did grow in an environment that forced him to grow up far too early. With a mother that preferred living a life of drug abuse and numerous ual partners, to a father that was never present, Seung Jun learned early on to look after and raise himself. A street smart boy, more than once in his youth Seung Jun ran into trouble with the law - trouble that would eventually land him in juvenile detention for a year. It was during his time there that Seung Jun met with a man (a corrections officer) who told him words he has yet to forget to this day. "Face it kid, you have nowhere to go but down in life with the path your currently taking. You'll be lucky if you don't end up another waste to society." In that moment, something inside Seung Jun was altered. At the prime of his youth, the sixteen year old threw himself back into his school work and with a high school diploma to his name, left the shack called his parents home to move to the city for college. Now at twenty and a junior in college, Seung Jun has a new - better - life ahead of him. And nothing will change that.

PLOT 1: [OPEN][GENRE][WITH][TRACKER]Sed vehicula odio vel velit mollis sollicitudin id nec orci. Quisque vel nisi ac enim aliquet imperdiet id nec risus. Phasellus egestas non nulla id eleifend. Curabitur laoreet purus eget orci vehicula, et auctor dolor porta. Praesent sagittis ipsum non libero viverra viverra. Integer accumsan risus at mauris porttitor interdum sed id justo. Sed nibh quam, sodales et dui nec, viverra elementum felis. Sed sed urna erat. Phasellus mollis lacus sit amet semper pulvinar.

PLOT 2: [OPEN][GENRE][WITH][TRACKER]Cras at purus diam. Aliquam elit urna, ullamcorper ac mauris elementum, condimentum consectetur ante. Duis posuere urna nunc, a molestie felis pellentesque eget. Praesent lorem nibh, vulputate eu consectetur hendrerit, feugiat ac purus. Nunc non consequat nibh. Mauris mattis ultrices sem, id rutrum purus ullamcorper ut. Donec vitae quam ac quam volutpat viverra. Quisque rutrum convallis felis, ut porttitor nisi placerat at. Suspendisse rutrum sapien eros, id viverra lacus egestas ac. Integer tincidunt interdum est, quis eleifend risus interdum ut. Proin ut suscipit elit. Duis luctus leo sit amet metus convallis, quis hendrerit velit laoreet. Proin urna nulla, bibendum et nulla a, posuere rhoncus metus.