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Music    Renegade
Kat St. Croix
Only a weak person needed someone else around all the time.
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Fast like a Viper
54 minutes ago
When Kat becomes Viper she becomes confident, laid back, and sarcastic. She doesn't care about pesky things like honor, instead doing everything she can to win. Her style of fighting could be compared to that of Mystique, but with the added fact that any blow Viper lands has the ability to permentely damage or kill. 
Kat or Viper?
2 days ago
To the mere passerby Kat is an introverted teen, well on her way to a stint in juvie. She doesn't talk much, but when she does it's usually sarcastic and (in some opinions) disrespectful. It's her philosophy that people come and go, so it's best to just rely on herself. This is something that's obvious whenever she deals with people.
Ever since her mom died Kat has been on her own. She was thrown into the system, and bounced around from home to home until they finally tracked down her mothers sister. How the social worker thought that woman was fit to raise a child is beyond Kat. From day one the woman made it clear that she expected Kat to pull her own weight, and that her boyfriend was more important to her then her sisters own child. So Kat pulled her own weight and then some, her aunt was lazy and never did anything. Her aunt was also as flaky as they come. Every month she'd claim to be in love, of course with a different guy each time. These guys would spend all their time in the ty apartment Kat and her aunt called a home. When her aunt wasn't home the guys would give her more chores to do, and if she refused she'd get punished. Most of the time it was just a backhand across the face (or a belt if they were really mad), but as she got older they would find different ways to deal with her disobedience. Her aunt never believed her, so Kat learned that she, and only she, could stick up for herself
Kat discovered her powers slowly, the small ones coming first, like reflexes and agility. They helped her escape her aunts boyfriends, but it also made it worse, because then they got mad they couldn't catch her. She discovered her strength on accident, her aunt's boyfriend had forced himself on her and in a fit of terror she threw him through a wall. Panicking she ran. When she eventually showed up again her aunt and her boyfriend had explained it to themselves already. The man had "tripped" and the wall was weak. He was lying, but he was a big man so her aunt believed him. He didn't want to admit that tiny little Kat St. Croix had tossed him across the room.
Kat began to exercise her powers, testing herself to see what she could do. She'd spend all night running through the city to see when she'd run out of breath, or lift engines at the train yard to see how much she can lift. Life was okay for awhile, she could protect herself finally. But that didn't stop some sleazebag from getting the drop on her one night, before she could realize what she was doing Kat had torn him apart (literally). Horrified by what she had done she had no way of stopping what was about to happen next.
One of the renegades had seen her, and took it upon themselves to make her one of them. While she was mentally weak and looking for help he swooped in and "saved" her. He manipulated her. Turned her against anyone or anything good. He cut her off from people who could help, twisting her thoughts until she believed them to be her own. Before she realized what was happening she was to far gone she couldn't have stopped herself if she tried. She was bad, so she might as well enjoy it while she can.
Kat stays as far away from spandex as she can get. She's much more comfortable in combat boots(knee highs), tight shorts, a tank top, and fingerless leather gloves. All in black. She'll also wear coats; alternating between a long one, and a short one. Both have a stylized "V" in purple printed on the back, but the longer one has a hood. She wears a domino mask and scarf (occasionally) to conceal her identity, though she could care less about people finding out who she is.