Personal Message

OOC corner:

-gmt +8

-online most of the time, but not always active

-prefer doing 1st pov now, since i tend to get lazy in 3rd

-no one liner or too much emoticon

-i like plotting first, i might not really have much idea sometimes, but plotting is necessary for me

-kris is strictly top, don't ask him to be  bottom, since i'll never do that.

-if i am not reply poke is not necessary, i am not forget you, i might just busy in real life, other rp


Wu Yifan (DJ name: Kris)

24 years old

Kris grow up in a broken home family, his parents divorced when he is 17 years old. But actually they already in bad term since kris more younger. After the divorces, he life with his father but decide to get out of the house after he come of age. He have major trust issue when it come to love, seeing his parents marriage start crumpled down in a very tender age make him not really believe in love. Most of the time he just have no-string attached   and sometimes he just have one night stand. Despite his distrustful on love he is a good friend, and can go as far as laying his body on the line for his friends.

DJ in the night club


1. Roommate : After his friend move out, he need to pay all the apartment bill by himself, he have enough money for it and he also quite used to live alone by now, but he just want to save it for unexpected things because he doesn't want to ask money from his parents. He make advertisement and tell all of his friends that he needed a roommate. And you come first, so he decide to give it a try to live with you.

2. Childhood Friends : You and him used to play alot together and actually grow up together. But after his parents divorced you two never meet each other again since he and his father moved away. He doesn't even left any number to call. Until you come to a quite high class nightclub in Seoul. You saw this DJ that no other than your childhood friend.

3. Son-In-Law : His mother/father decide that he is in the age of having a relationship, she/he never saw him have lover because its true, he never have one. She/he tought that not acceptable and decide to make her/his move. So she/he arranged the meeting of the two of you since she/he really like you and hoping you are become her/his son-in-law.

4. Long Lost Brother: You are his younger brother and after your parents divorces 7 years ago you two never saw each other even once. But you somehow end up in his place after your mother decide to re-married. How you and him get pass the awkward situation and start to behave like real brothers?