Personal Message

Allo~ TaehyungHasTakenOver or Mary for short XD here!

I'll be roleplaying as Suga from now on :) and as you can see I just copied the description from tumblr so yeah XDDD
Well I MAY have edited it a bit ;D //shot

Hope to get along with all of you!!

P.S: I'm actually a V biased as you can see on my username, but this guys is my bias wrecker.
My second bias is RapMon <3 just a lil fact is all lol.


Stage Name : Suga (슈가)

Real Name : Min Yoongi (민윤기)

Nicknames : Motionless Min (because when I have free days I don’t do anything), Dad (I’m a typical Gyeongsangdo dad at the dorm)

Role : Underground Rapper [Free time]

Birthday : March 9th, 1993

Height : 176cm

Weight : 57kg

Blood Type : O

Hometown : Daegu

Family : Dad, mom, older brother

Enjoys :

  • Welsh corgi (dog)
  • Taking photos
  • White color
  • The number 3
  •  A weather where you can wear short sleeves at day and long sleeves at night
  • Rapping

Favorite foods : Meat

Favorite color : White

Favorite items : A camera, electronics, accessories

Ideal type : A girl or guy who likes music, someone who likes hip-hop

Habits : Making rhymes in everyday situations, overdoing gags (jokes), writing lyrics, thinking about what kind of tweets to post, speaking in satoori when I’m nervous, 슙슙 and cry ㅠ.ㅠ, laughing sounds like eungkyakya

A word that describes me Glutinous rice cake, sugar (I’m really pale in real life), lazy (I’m not lazy when I’m doing anything related to music, and also on stage!!), tiresome (I dislike anything tiresome!!)

Role models : Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, Hit Boy

In 10 years I will be : Dominating the world with music! I want to let the whole world listen to my music

Short Bio [made up HAHA//shot] : Yoongi seems to look gentle due to his features though you know how the saying goes "looks are deceiving." This little guy [no offense] is the roughest once you piss him off, specially when it comes to his rapping. He's sensitive when it comes to his passion, so he'd beat someone up in a second if they insult what he's passionate about. Regardless if they're bigger than him, until they take back what they said. Yoongi prefers to be called Suga, as he only lets people who are close friends can call him by his real name. He's mostly be seen with a blank look or a poker face, as he only shows his smile once in a whille when you're lucky enough.