Personal Message

bad girls - m.i.a

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playful, smiling dork, teasing bully. eva cheung is the kind of girl who really keeps you entertained, even though she will make fun of your face 24/7. she's not flirty or will even try to flirt with you, it's most probable she will laugh at your face if you smirk at her. but- of course she has a weak spot, like everyone else. dislikes "sassy" girls who throws themselves at guys, eva has a unique style to deal with people in general. she loves hip-hop and rock, anime&manga, eva is an actual fashionista who's always on the internet messing with tumblr and instagram.  


My man


yes, my man is uta senpai.



« the crush: free (male) » the one and only crush of eva. she will never confess her feels for this guy and will do her best to no one find it out, even though she gets hella nervous in his presence.

« partner in crime (female/male ): free » despite the innocent face, eva is into illegal stuff, it involves drugs and such. the two shares this guilty pleasure inside the campus, the secret can not be found at any circumstance.

« damn nerd (male) : free » eva almost always makes fun of this guy, but he just clings on her to the hell. of course she hates it, and she does everything to throw him away, but the guys has some platonic feeling for her and won't stop so easy.

« Plot Name: Character Selected » Plot Information Goes Here, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Com sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.



+ gmt-3
+ i will hardly reply to random starters, i prefer plotting.
+ any kind of genre is fine with me but action or comedy. in pm only.
+ i only do 1st pov, be descriptive and i will love you ♥
+ i dislike biased people.
+ don't poke me if i don't reply.