





Class Clown


About Me,
Hi! My anme is Lee Yejin, but since I'm going to be in the music industry when I grow up you can also refer to me as, Ailee~

There isn't much to say about me... I'm 17 years old. I am currently in Music and English class, but I might be failing English unfortunately. As it turns out, school's not really my thing, even when I think I understand something I get tests back that have a fat D- on them. But hey, you can't walk forward if you are looking down, right?

I'm not that tall but I'm very clumsy so make sure to chek where you are walking, because chances are you will step on me. I like to hangout on the rooftop, at the park, and at the library so I can try and pass school. If you want to talk to me I say do it because I'm not a mean person. At least, I don't think so.


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