Personal Message

my music




marcy foster. teen rebel. mommy issues. leather jackets and rock music are my creed. i also have this...addiction. no, i'm not headed down the path of the legendary 27 club. heroine is a hard drug to keep up with, and i'm too young to age that fast. alcohol is great sometimes, but that's not what i'm talking about. the truth is much less self destructive, but no less addicting. i just can't get enough of that five finger discount. it doesn't even matter where i am. it's gotten to the point where every time i'm called to the principal's office for whatever it is i've done to disrupt the learning environment that day, i steal one of those shiny bank pens just out of principle. i've gotten kind of sentimental about it, actually. they're like little souvenirs of the quality time we spend together. even better though, i shoplift a ton. i've stopped bothering to spend money anymore, now that things have gotten easier. now, the game has changed and i don't need to worry about being watched by suspicious store clerks. now, i can go out and get whatever i want during my nightly excursions while no one else is even awake. it's like my own vip shopping spree and no locked gate can keep me out.




okay so i've gotten caught, so i have a bit of a record. but that was before things changed. as far as the authorities are concerned, i've cleaned up my act. as far as i'm concerned, i've only cleaned up my technique.



« i discovered my powers in jail. they say it's during desperate times that you find out what you're truly made of. i wasn't really that desperate, just bored. they're not all that rough on teenagers when all i tried to do was lift a top i couldn't pay for. they probably thought i had a tough upbringing. anyway, when i was sitting in that cell i just kept wishing i could just walk right out of there, right from under their noses. finally, that's exactly what i did. walked right through those bars and out the front door. the desk jockey probably thought they just let me go, but i realized later they sent out a search party. mom wasn't happy to see me walking in through the door around midnight casual like nothing happened. i can't say the feeling wasn't mutual.

« as soon as i made that jail break, i had to keep trying it out, just to be sure it wasn't a fluke. i spent the day passing through little things like light poles and railings. it was exhilerating, realizing nothing could stop me from going anywhere i wanted. even better, nothing could hold me. not my mother, not the jail, not the school. no walls were a prison and none were a fortress, and finally i felt free.

« as you can imagine, i was grounded after that day. it obviously meant nothing to me. the first thing i did that night was walk out of my house and into the mall. i did a little shopping and figured i might as well put together a little outfit to fit the alter ego that was taking shape in my mind. at night i would be shadowfox, stealthy and unstoppable, and nothing more or less than a petty thief. whatever i wanted, i could just reach out and take it. and i look hot in black leather.

« not a lot of people know me, and i'm fine with keeping it that way. a thief is no good when people know who she is, and i'm not about to boast my crimes to any schmuck and schmoe that wanders the halls of that creative wasteland we call an educational institution. the more i come off as that mysterious girl people see around and wonder what's up with her, the better off i am with my little nightly habits.


what team?

look, i'm not all that interested in using my powers for some greater good or some evil operation. truth is, i'm selfish as hell and i have petty desires, and to be honest the thought of mingling with other supers kind of makes me uneasy. i don't want to get involved in the kinds of twisted mentality that happen in that scene, and i'm less interested in putting my life on the line. as far as i'm concerned, i'm off their radar, and i'd like to keep it that way.