Personal Message

Name: Luhan

Age: 25

Orientaion: Gay

Gang:   Leader of the Trade

Bio: Luhan is the leader of the trade gang, of course it goes without saying a man with his looks would be called for from both men and women alike (Though he only really swings one way). He started out simply as a prosistute on the streets of the Red Light district, he became one of the well sought out prosistute in the area. Slowly climbing ranks until he was at the top. He calls the shots when it comes to what goes down in his gang, and don't be mistakenby the pretty face he isn't one to mess with. He has little paitents and mercy years of selling your body will do that you. And he packs a nasty punch, so it's best that you stay on his good side. If you'd like to know more about him, talk to him and keep him interested or he'll quickly dismiss you


OOC corner:

I'm usually on/off because I'm logged into both my phone and laptop. If its a long reply I won't reply back until I'm on my laptop and can give you a neat, well written long reply back.

I do either 1st detailed (and I mean really detailed) or 3rd pov (I'm interested mostly in multi para or novella) Basically if you give me one liners I'm not going to reply to you, simple as that.

I'm open to all sorts of plots just nothing with horror or too much gore.

Because Luhan is the leader of trade, I do write , but I have some rules and limits

Do's of ting with me; , Rough , Toys, , crossdressig, denial, spanking, public

Don'ts of ting with me; Blood play, Breath play, Knife play, weird things being put inside me that shouldn't be inside me, humiliation (respect my character I'll respect yours, toilet play, pet play (I'll dress up as a kitten or etc but I will not be treated like an animal), abuse against my character that is uncalled for (I'm all up for violence and fist fighting but if you're randomly slapping my character you're gonna get ed slapped into next week real quick)

Honesly I'm very friendly even though it may not seem like it, I like making friends with the people I roleplay with I'm just very protective of my character and I personally have my limits with things I just don't condone or like just like everyone else.

Please feel free to pos on my wall to roleplay anytime