Personal Message

Say it loud and say it proud. That is definitely her motto. She is shameless. She shines bright with attention, performs better under pressure, and is an outright extrovert. She is friendly enough, meaning she’ll talk to you no matter what you look like or where youre from. Whether you want to talk or not.

Her mother died when she was too young to remember. It had always been her, her father, and her brother Kendall. She never thought of herself as hindered because she didn't have a mother. Because both her brother and father did their best to fill that roll. They even watched makeup tutorials when she was younger to help her learn. Theyw ere fully dedicated to make sure she never felt left out without a mom. She also felt a little lost when her brother left for the army. He was her best friend.

She is president of the drama club, has an anon (not so anon) self help column in the school paper, and volunteers at the local theatre. She’s absolutely boy crazy, having a new target each week.


Power: Her legs and arms form a defensive armor of crystal upon command. Upon those crystallized portions she is able to shoot deadly projectiles of crystallized shards. One night while walking home from school on a late Friday evening, she was attacked. She was only in the eighth grade. She doesn’t remember much from her attack and abduction, other than that they had her for three days. The only thing she remembers is waking up in a hospital bed to her worried father and brother. However, it wasn’t what happened in those three days, but at the hospital that forever changed her life. She found during her stay as she accidentally deflected the IV stand that fell over on her with her arm that something wasn’t right. While alone one night in the hospital she was visited by a beautiful woman. She was caring and kind. She revealed to her that she had been abducted and experimented upon by a group who dubbed themselves LEGEND. They awakened a dormant gene in her body, a mutated gene. The gene awoke her powers. Legend was going around, finding specific young people with this dormant gene to turn on and recruit for their own agenda, she claimed. The woman was from a group, Renegade, whose purpose was to stop the research of Legend, or so she claimed. The motherly aspect of the woman drew her in, and she was recruited to Renegade. She was able to explore her powers with their help. Though many nights she has found herself doubting what they have told her.

Her greatest personal weakness is indecisiveness. Is she doing the right thing? Good or evil? As far as her powers go, she struggles to harden any parts of her body besides the usual. her forearms and shins are the easier for her. She has little control over where the shards go and could cause harm without mean. She wears a crystal face mask (, and a one piece (has no sleeves and has shorts at the bottom) made of a stretchy metallic material ( a part of an old dance costume). Over that, she wears a long hooded cloak. The hood helps conceal her identity where the mask can’t. The cloak clips around her neck and is kept back off her shoulders during combat. She keeps her hair pulled back in a high ponytail and wears flat lace-up ankle boots.