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About Me


The Actor's
Jeon Jungkook who has already trained to have arts well since a kid. The one who put him into those things was his one and only mother. At first he refused, but then he's like addicted to dance like a crazy all day long. He didn't do well on math and relations but he works at linguistics and arts, it made him proud of himself somehow when's he was still in school. But now Jungkook has grown to be a twenty two-year-old man who has no a mother anymore. He became a motherless when he stepped in his eighteen which actually caused by an unwanted accident.

Having the ability to sing well and dance as well as he also has the skill for acting, Jungkook uses this chance to be a musical theatre actor where he can do all of them at the same time. It's already become his job for a year and Jungkook loves it, and well, he works for living his life for now. His good-looking creature also help the producer improve the profit and he gets higher pay for having such a nice face as well as his skills. He is always seen happy for staging and practicing with his workmates though there are scenes that require him to act sad or even angry. This guy's already known as the not so serious Jungkook to people he's close to. He is playful, kind-hearted, impatient and spiteful but he also is a passionate and hardworker, yes he will be serious when things are also serious for him. Though he himself be a person with a kind heart, he is also selfish; he thinks about himself first mostly. And don't go wrong at him as a bad person, the naughty young adult Jungkook is loyal when having something to be his only his.

General Information

Name: Jeon Jungkook ual Orientation: Straight
Date of Birth: September 1, 1992 Occupation: Musical Theatre Actor
Age: 22 Location: Maroona Ridge
Gender: Male Other Half: ---



Out Of


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Jeon Jungkook