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name.valentina zakari  motto. "Earth's crammed with heaven...But only he who sees, takes off his shoes" hobbies.  Being a hipster
now playing
It is spring again.
The Earth is like a
that knows poems
by heart.
Let us conquer this world.

Nam gravida sapien a purus rhoncus auctor. In quis est massa. Donec a mauris quis turpis semper condimentum ut ut erat. Maecenas commodo tempor nulla, eu sodales quam tempor consectetur. Aliquam pellentesque adipiscing lacus nec molestie. Pellentesque dignissim quam ut felis aliquam lobortis. Sed mattis consectetur velit id auctor. Cras rutrum varius lacus.

Nam gravida sapien a purus rhoncus auctor. In quis est massa. Donec a mauris quis turpis semper condimentum ut ut erat. Maecenas commodo tempor nulla, eu sodales quam tempor consectetur. Aliquam pellentesque adipiscing lacus nec molestie. Pellentesque dignissim quam ut felis aliquam lobortis. Sed mattis consectetur velit id auctor. Cras rutrum varius lacus.

Nam gravida sapien a purus rhoncus auctor. In quis est massa. Donec a mauris quis turpis semper condimentum ut ut erat. Maecenas commodo tempor nulla, eu sodales quam tempor consectetur. Aliquam pellentesque adipiscing lacus nec molestie. Pellentesque dignissim quam ut felis aliquam lobortis. Sed mattis consectetur velit id auctor. Cras rutrum varius lacus.

Nam gravida sapien a purus rhoncus auctor. In quis est massa. Donec a mauris quis turpis semper condimentum ut ut erat. Maecenas commodo tempor nulla, eu sodales quam tempor consectetur. Aliquam pellentesque adipiscing lacus nec molestie. Pellentesque dignissim quam ut felis aliquam lobortis. Sed mattis consectetur velit id auctor. Cras rutrum varius lacus.

Take my hand, let us fight for the world of us.



Name: Valentina Zakari


Gender: Female


ual Orientation: Straight


Age: 22


Occupation: Library Assistant


Personality: Valentina was raised by hippies, her personality is as carefree and spirited as her hair. Imagine a wood nymph with a fascination for books and junk food and you have Valentina.


Who does your character live with?: Her cats and sometimes her sister (if she’s in town)


What do they do when they aren’t saving/destroying the world: Being out in nature, pigging out on junk food, doing super hipster things unironically, and protesting against almost anything.


Background: Valentina comes from a family of four: her mother and father, and her twin sister Valencia. Her parents were the first in their family to be born in Mexico(they are originally from Africa), but moved to America to raise Valentina and her sister.  She was always asked how she was from Mexico if she was black, so she eventually stopped mentioning her country of origin. Aelham City is alright as far a places go, but she doesn’t plan to stick around forever.


What kind of education do they have?: Everything up till college/currently finishing her undergraduate degree in environmental sciences.


Anything else?: Valentina can speak fluent Spanish and Ewe (her family’s native tongue in Africa)


Hero/Villain Info


Name: Tempestas


Power: Weather Manipulation, Immunity to temperature extremes


Origin Story: Valentina’s parents knew for a long time that their daughters were different. They did everything they could to keep their gifts a secret, including moving from their home in Mexico to America so the local cartel wouldn’t find out and try to use their powers to their advantage. Valentina had always been anti everything. Every week there was something she was protesting, whether it was too much homework, or the local dog pound was putting down animals too early. As she got older this sense of justice grew stronger and she and her sister realized they could actually make a difference with their powers. Her sister could control the earth and the plants on it, so she skipped college and went to work in the rainforests. But Valentina stayed, turning her eyes to the corrupt government and corporations polluting her beloved earth. They were going to pay.


Tragic Flaw or Weaknesses: Valentina’s tragic flaw is that she has no idea what she wants from life, and lacks the will to commit to anything. Her powers take concentration, so if that concentration is broken she becomes open to attacks.



Tempestas’ costume is simple: black spandex like material covers her from her chest down, heeled boots that come up mid thigh, and black and grey cape that covers her neck and shoulders. She wears fingerless gloves that cover her arms up to her elbows, and uses a domino mask to conceal her identity.

Superhero Personality, and how they appear in public: The name Tempestas comes from the goddess of storms, and she embodies that persona when she becomes Tempestas. Regal and fierce. She doesn’t engage in petty verbal spats, or any sort of fighting unless necessary.