Personal Message
NAME: your name
BIRTHDATE: 14th july
STATUS: single / taken

Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.

Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.
► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.
NAME: Lu Han
BIRTHDATE: 20th april
STATUS: Taken by Yixing & Engaged

Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.

Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.
Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.

Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.



happy second month, lu ge! thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend and for taking care of me and putting up with all my teasing and whatnot. i've fallen in love with your smile, i've fallen in love with your antics, i've fallen in love with your cute side. i've come to love your gaze that's so loving, i've come to love you as a whole, i've come to love your never ending patience with me. i know we've had our ups and a few downs, and i hope that through that we'll build a stronger relationship and that we'll be together forever.










invading your profile o/ first of all, your profile is gorgeous, did anyone tell you that?

and god, your display picture. your stalkers must love going to your profile everytime if they get greeted by something like that, ohoho.

i hope you're enjoying your stay over here, if you need anything. i'm here. <3



idk what to put here
It's titty Irene 
Ily <3
 Joking around?
「Hello! I'm here to invade your wall with love and care! I hope you're having fun here? Anyway, remember to be bold - don't be shy to talk to others! And if you need anyone, Irene is here <3」




Hey Hey, Welcome to the RP! Make sure you ask the admins for any question you have and we will always be here to answer you. I hope you have fun here. Go talk to everyone, they don't bite! unless you ask them.  Come talk to me too when you are not busy! I would really love to entertain you. Thanks for joining us and once again, Welcome!