

MISSING HIM WAS DARK GRAY ALL ALONE                            

A passion for what  is deemed a  sin

Name: Kim Jongdae
Birthdate: September 21st
Race: Human
Age: Twenty-one
Position: Full-time student, part-time librarian
ual Orientation: Biual
Current Fascination: Werewolves
Disposition: Sunny, albeit geeky at times

Not really much of a peacekeeper or a hunter, Jongdae has a fascination for all things werewolf. As a child his parents were firmly set on the idea of "see no evil, hear no evil." In their minds, the "evil" were the werewolves inhabiting Korea. A bit of money can go a long way, and the boy's family made sure that werewolf interaction with their son was kept to practically nonexistent throughout his growth.

Even so, Jongdae grew up fascinated by the creatures his parents denied the existence of; gathering every bit of information he could about the creatures. There was something just so intriguing about the creatures? Race? People? The way in which they worked, so similar, yet so different from humans.

This fascination did not go unnoticed by his parents, but as Jongdae grew, he learned to hide his interests with "normal" "white-picketty" interests. Such as reading books, playing cards, learning piano; very mundane, and in his opinion, very boring. 

It was a miracle that Jongdae convinced his parents to let him attend an actual college, a public college no less. They weren't terribly keen on letting their son out into the "wolf's den" as they called it, but after a suitcase full of potentially lethal-to-werewolves-only equipment, they were satisfied. Not that Jongdae would ever use it. He would rather stab himself a thousand times over than harm one of those beautiful creatures.

Now let loose into the world, Jongdae can't get enough. In his free time he volunteers at the University library, reading and soaking in as much as he can about werewolves. Some might call his obsessed, but he prefers the term passionate or fascinated.

Socially, Jongdae lacks many basic skills. Spending most of one's childhood surrounded purely by family didn't give him as much of an opportunity to learn common social queues and similar qualities. Personal space is minimal to him, and invasive questions are almost nonexistent. He always means well, but it's easy for him to get carried away (especially if it's a werewolf). Do not mistake him for innocent, he knows his way around quite a few weapons.

triptych layouts - tweaked