Personal Message


Relive the past

Kim Taeyeon - 22 - Born June 1st - Chi Master - Single - Straight
Some would consider Taeyeon the Mary Sue of the real world, but she doesn't know what she did to deserve that title...or shame. She is just herself. Sure, just like the character, things usually come to her but not without effort. She's always had to work had to get where she wanted to be. She's gone to the lengths of traveling out of the country at one point or another to explore her options but only to realize there is no place like home and in the end, returned
to finish what she started...the proper way. She doesn't share much, not even with her brothers or sisters, but once you are close to her heart, she'll become a open book. It just takes time. She's not the same girl she was three years ago...and she hopes everyone remembers her fondly.
Times have changed her though. She may and had a lot of lovers here, but she left for one and in the end, two weeks before their wedding, he cheated on her. It's changed her - all of it. If you were to look up Gemini, her sign, you'll find out everything you'll ever need to know about her.
The most important people to her to date: Jongin. She couldn't help but feel as if she owes you the world, when in reality, you're the only one who can show her how the world has changed. Without you, she'll never leave the last century. You're one of a kind to her, you've always been there for her, and she will always want to be there for you. (Plus Suji loves the crap out of IU so xD)
Past life. Baekhyun, Tao, Yoongi Before Taeyeon left the country, she used to have numerous friends and connections. When she left though, all those ties were cut and lost. She used to travel to theme parks with a vast group of people, get coffee with childhood friends, and etc. Taeyeon is ready to reconnect those ties...and catch them up. 5 out 5 spots are open. Open to both genders.
Brother, sister. One spot taken by Seohyun Oh how she has missed you. You did everything together. Taeyeon is someone you can rely on and she knows very well that it works both ways. She misses and wants to reconnect with all three of you - that could mean being together 24/7.  Open to 2 boys and 1 girl.
Chi Teacher. Kyungsoo Much like Ty lee in Avatar, Taeyeon has mastered the art of making people fall down to their knees. You want to learn from the master and are now attending her class. Are you more than a student to her, though? Open to 3 people, any gender.
The popular girl in town. . Taeyeon was known for being the most social girl around, but when she left, you took her spot. She doesn't really hate you, but you two aren't very fond of each other...just because of the threat you pose to each other. No other reason than haven't even really talked. But you want to stay on top as Queen bee and aren't having it any other way.
Childhood friend. Taken; Key. You two lived next door to each other. You two did everything together. You pulled pranks together, you ate bugs together, you two would run to the edge of the city and lie underneath the stars. She left which left you first. Do you still want to be her friend, or are you enemies now? Open to 1 person, any gender.
The pranksters. Taken Jessica, Woohee  Everyone in town needs a little action now and then - and this trio of yours is exactly what the people need. You all cause chaos when together - whether it'd be pouring milk on others, throwing water ballons at strangers...or playing devious pranks, your childish fun makes everyones head spins.  Open to two people, any gender.





Sometimes, when you feel all too alone, you need to revisit the past and reconnect with yourself.