Personal Message



- If you want my character and your character to be a couple, just ask me.
- If you think i'm boring then tell me, i'll try to spice it up for ya, or somethin'.
- I think of some plots that can work but there's always something that comes in my mind that's why when i rp with a plot that we are following, i tend to add some scenarios that are kind of out of it.
- If you have problems with my character or me, let's have a chat on pm.



- If I get clingy, means I enjoy your company.
- If i'm mad, short and plain replies will be sent to ya.
- If I get nervous, I suddenly speak what I feel right at that moment.
- I'm a ( bit ) possessive when it comes to what or who I like




Behold, my y side......


......still not convinved? 



then here's more............................................................



"See me writhing in pleasure under you"
Name:Mark Tuan | Age : 18 Relationship Status : Single|

Mark is a quiet one. He gets shy around new people that he tends to bite his lip or rub his arm or any other habit he has. But once you get to know him, or when he feels comfortable around you, his cheerful, fun, and child-like attitude comes out. He's not that good in expressing his feelings so he instead say it straightforward unconsciously. He smiles, but only a small kind of smile. When it somes to , he enjoys it rough. But when it comes to the love of his life, he prefers it to be gentle. is different than making love.

"Everything about you turns me on"




Aside from that, I also have a cute side that'll melt you down like ice cream~















It's not workin'








so stop frontin'









let's start talkin'.