Personal Message

Kim Junmyeon




Kim Joonmyeon is a wealthy young male who works at his father's company as a head CEO. His father is currently in the hospital fighting with cancer and Joonmyeon is next in line to take over, he lives in a small apartment alone and is worried that he'll be stuck in the same rut as he has been for the past five years. Suho is 23 years old and believes that everyone has something to give the world. He just wishes that his gift wasn't some stupid CEO job at a boring company. The loves to meet new people and make friends but love has always been hard for him to find. He's afraid people might use him if they knew who he was so he uses the name Suho for when he's out and around the city so he isn't conned. He hasn't been looking for a breaker because he feels that if he were to get one they would only use him for his money, the same goes for a lover. Could a doll be the one to get Kim Joonmyeon out of his boring rut?


OOC Notes
dont poke me until the second day please
tell me if I'm doing something you don't like
tell me if ur a bottom or a top
i can do almost any kind of rp I'm super open
i allow of my character u don't need to ask me just do it if you feel it
i am in school and have a job, slow replies sometimes
i reply fairly fast on the weekends if I have no plans
please don't forget to reply to me if we are rping together, I hate feeling forgotten
be nice to me in OOC!
read my profile so I don't have to type everything out for you again
if you feel like posting a random starter on my wall, go ahead, but make it fun and interesting please
plotting is loved
i do both povs